To: Bird Watching
The Ultimate Birder's Adventure

This ultimate adventure is called the "Big Year".
The "Big Year" is when birders go wherever they need to, so they can observe a bird they have never seen before. It is one "BIG" competition.
The competition has been going on since the 1930's. To participate in this competition, a person must be, in my opinion, independently wealthy and be able to drop everything and go "wherever" that "rare" species might be.
The "Big Year" is all about how many species of birds a person can see in one year.

In 1998 the biggest year yet was recorded. A man named Sandy Komito observed 745 birds, he spent $100,000, and traveled 270,000 miles.
So, if you are wanting to have a once in a lifetime experience, you know what you need to do.
Birding Buddies
No matter how much you enjoy birding, it is much more fun to share the experience with a "birding buddy" or some "birding buddies.
Although, seeing that "rare" species is very rewarding, having someone to share it with is "priceless".
It is natural for us to want to share with others. Being an only child, I do enjoy my time alone, but seeing a beautiful bird or hearing a melodious song is much more "real" when it is shared.
Another bonus in sharing besides having company is: 1.Your buddy can help you identify the species. This is extremely helpful to me because I tend to question myself all the time.
Birds are everywhere and another set of eyes, as Martha says, "it's a good thing".
If you don't know anyone that will be your buddy, look online or in the telephone book for local birding groups or your "National Audubon Society". I know they can steer you in the right direction. There are plenty of birding buddies in your community, get out there and find them.
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