...Bird Photography...
Bird Photography is a popular birding hobby. I know that some people think that a technically perfect photo of a bird perched on a branch doing absolutly nothing makes a fine picture, but not me! You're not really surprised are you?
An image of that same bird singing, yawning, ruffling its feathers, or stretching its wings always makes a much more interesting photo. Movement makes pictures more involved.

Taking pictures of birds is an awesome way to celebrate their beauty. As soon at the weather begins to warm, get your camera and other supplies ready.
Set a goal to take a picture of a different species or at least a different pose everyday.
Be sure to have your camera with you all the time. You never know when you might get an unexpected photo.
While in the process of looking for good bird photo possibilities, don't be surprised at what you might find. Some examples are a colorful butterfly, an exotic insect, or an interesting animal.
While taking pictures, you will be inspired to get out and explore all the nature around you. Just take the time to look. After all, it's right out your own back door.
Taking pictures of birds is usually more difficult to do, because you are working with a moving subject, but with practice you will get the hang of it. Bless the digital camera.
** Here are a few ideas to help you take better pictures:
** 1. Make your subject the focus and blur your background.
** 2. Taking pictures in the morning is good. Sometimes it is a little foggy or misty. That adds to the interest.
** 3. Try to get as close-up as you can. Know the minimum amount of distance that your camera will need and still be ablet to focus. a "macro" setting is good for close-ups.
** 4. Try taking the picture at different angles if you can. You will be surprised at the different views you will get.
Birds make great subjects. If you can think about "what might happen," then you will be ready when it really does. Just be sure your camera is on autofocus. Using a tripod is another good idea. Spending an extra few minutes to prepare will definitly pay off in the long run.
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